Anytime e-Resources
Featured Resources

Libby, by Overdrive
Wisconsin’s Digital Library offers audiobooks and e-books for your computer, mobile device, or MP3 player. Looking to add Libby to your Kindle tablet? Find out how here:

*New* Hobbies & Crafts Source
Magazines, recipes, and videos with "how-to" instructions and creative do-it-yourself ideas.

Consumer Reports Online
Immediate online access to print issues of the well-respected Consumer Reports Magazine as well as special online-only content. Important information about choosing the best products and services available.
Short, easy to follow tutorials on a wide variety of topics relating to computers and technology. Whether you are new to computers, unsure, or just need a bit of a refresher, you'll find the tools to help you tackle technology at your own pace and gain the confidence you need to succeed. Provided by the Public Library Association and AT&T.
OEM repair, maintenance, and service information on most cars, trucks, vans, and SUVs. Provides step-by-step procedures, diagnostic and troubleshooting help, and a video library.
Driver’s Education
Free permit practice tests for car, motorcycle, and CDL to get you ready for your Wisconsin DMV visit.
A U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) developed fuel economy website featuring updated fuel economy data for passenger vehicles, fuel saving tips, safety ratings, and links to car buying websites.
Home Improvement Source
Magazines & reference books on home improvement and repair project topics.
Small Engine Repair Reference Center
Detailed, user-friendly repair guides for all manner of small engines, including mowers, snowmobiles, and tractors.
Buying or Refinancing a Home: Options and Tools. Money Smart Week
Money Smart Week 2022 and North West Housing Partnership present information on your options and tools for buying or refinancing a home. Includes resources on buying a home, shopping for a mortgage, and refinancing in English and Spanish.
Credit: Build & Improve it! Money Smart Week
Learn how to build and improve your credit with this resource from Money Smart Week 2022 and the Consumer Finance and Protection Bureau. Includes presentation and resources on your credit report, your credit score, and rebuilding your credit score in English and Spanish.
Military OneSource
A resource for Service Members and their families throughout their military careers, providing no cost support to the military community in the form of counseling, financial planners, tutoring, and more.
Spend Smart. Eat Smart. Money Smart Week
Learn how to eat well on a budget with this resource from Money Smart Week 2022 and Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. Includes presentation, information about the Spend Smart. Eat Smart. app, and a grocery list template in English and Spanish.
Wisconsin State Law Library
Access to legal forms, information, and resources for legal assistance.
Wisconsin State Legislature
Up-to-date online access to Wisconsin Statutes, the Administrative Register, legislator contact information, and more.
Apply and enroll in health coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace, which is part of the Affordable Care Act.
Medline Plus
Trusted health information for you from the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
Free resources, online courses, and health guides on vital public health topics.
Free print and video tutorials, lessons, and games on technology basics (Office, Google, and smartphones), living in the online world, essential skills (math, grammar and more), design, and careers.
A free resume builder service featuring a step-by-step resume writing guide, assistance with formatting, and the ability to download and email your resume in multiple formats.
Job Center of Wisconsin
Register online with Job Service of Wisconsin as part of the unemployment insurance application process, fill out your profile to create a resume, search jobs, and more.
Jobs for Teens
Employment resources for ages 11-19 including job search, interview tips, and resume assistance.
Resources for Job Seekers
A collection of resources for people looking for a job compiled by South Central Library System (SCLS).
Short, easy to follow tutorials on a wide variety of topics relating to computers and technology. Whether you are new to computers, unsure, or just need a bit of a refresher, you'll find the tools to help you tackle technology at your own pace and gain the confidence you need to succeed. Provided by the Public Library Association and AT&T.
All About Romance
Book reviews, author information, printable lists, and steaminess ratings.
Recommends the best in contemporary fiction and nonfiction books that engage and entertain as well as deepen our understanding of ourselves and the world around us.
Online study guides for the classics, today’s popular literature, and school subjects, as well as homework help and test preparation.
Comics Worth Reading
Independent opinions, news, and reviews of graphic novels, manga and comic books.
Fantastic Fiction
An online catalog of authors and books for those who love fiction, featuring lists of series in order, awards and author info, as well as the ability to create a free account to follow your favorite authors, and keep lists of books you’ve read and want to read.
A site for readers and book recommendations, featuring descriptions, reviews, and recommendations, as well as an opportunity create an account to track books you’re reading, have read or want to read, and get book recommendations.
Academic and research institutions work together to offer this world wide digital collection of millions of titles.
Horror Writer’s Association
A worldwide organization of writers and publishing professionals dedicated to promoting dark literature and the interests of those who write it, as well as a sponsor of the Bram Stoker Awards.
Kent District Library’s “What’s Next”: Books in Series
A database that allows you to search by author, title, or series title to find the order of a series.
Library Reads
A monthly list of the best new fiction and nonfiction picks from library staff nationwide.
Literary Reference Center Plus
A collection of literary criticism and works. For students and adult researchers.
Locus Online
Access to book reviews and interviews about science fiction and fantasy books from Locus Magazine.
No Flying, No Tights
Devoted to presenting graphic novel reviews for teens and those who work with them, featuring indexes by title, creator and publisher, reviews by subject and core lists.
Reading Rants! Out of the Ordinary Teen Booklists
Middle school librarian Jennifer Hubert reviews books for teens that are looking for a good read.
Online study guides for the classics, today’s popular literature, and school subjects.
Stop, You’re Killing Me
Mystery series information, including searches by author, character, character’s job, location, historical time period, diversity, and cross-genre, as well as read-alikes and awards lists.
The Christy Awards
Annual awards to recognize novels of excellence written from a Christian worldview for several genres, first novels, and young adult.
Dedicated to the genre best known as alternate history, which considers the “what ifs” of history, exploring fiction where one or more past events are changed and unraveling the subsequent effect on history.
WPR’s “Chapter A Day”
Wisconsin Public Radio’s book club broadcasting a chapter from a book for a half hour each weekday, generally including contemporary fiction, history, and biography selections.
YALSA Teen Book Finder
Featuring great selections for teens from YALSA’s book awards and book lists, including books, audiobooks, and films.
Wisconsin’s online library which provides access to licensed content such as magazines, newspapers, scholarly articles, encyclopedias and more.
EBSCOHost Article Databases
Magazine, journal, and newspaper article databases on general subjects, business, health, news and more.
Education Source
Research database designed for education students, professionals, and policymakers.
Academic and research institutions work together to offer this world wide digital collection of millions of titles.
Library and Information Science Source
Research database for library and information science students, professionals, and policymakers.
Historical newspapers archive from the 1700’s-2000’s containing regional, state, and small local newspapers in the United States and other countries.
Points of View Reference Source
Resources presenting multiple sides of an issue to help assess and develop persuasive arguments and essays, better understand controversial issues, and develop analytical thinking skills. For high school and adult learners.
Salem Press Online Reference Shelf
Brings online access to award-winning works in history, literature, science, and health.
US Newsstream
Current and archival to 1980’s U.S. news featuring key national and regional sources such as Gannett titles Marshfield News Herald with full text coverage Feb 1, 2003 to present; the Daily Tribune, Wisconsin Rapids, and more.
UW Digital Collections
Explore millions of images, pages, sound recordings and more from across the UW, Wisconsin, and the world.
Wisconsin Blue Books
The complete series State of Wisconsin Blue Book is available online in a searchable electronic format via the UW Digital Collections.
World Factbook
Provides information on the history, people and society, government, economy, energy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 267 world entities compiled by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.
WorldCat FirstSearch
A catalog of books and other materials from all around the world, allowing you to locate items you are unable to find in our library.
Bring It to the Ballot
Provides information on obtaining a free state ID card needed to vote if a voter does not possess a driver’s license or other accepted forms of photo identification.
My Vote Wisconsin
Provides basic voter information including online registration and re-registration, polling place locations, ballot content, request to vote absentee links, and municipal clerk and elected official contact info.
Wisconsin Elections Commission
Focuses on laws and regulations regarding candidate eligibility, election results, elections security, and election statistics.
Wisconsin Eye
"WisconsinEye is committed to providing citizens with access to the actions of our state government and to a range of civic and policy forums and events from across Wisconsin. This is a direct flow of communication from elected and appointed officials to our viewers – all without editing, filtering, or otherwise distorting their points of view."
Vote 411
Launched by the League of Women Voters Education Fund (LWVEF) in October of 2006, is a "one-stop-shop" for election related information. It provides nonpartisan information to the public with both general and state-specific information on the election process.